A Dragon Ball Roleplay set in the distant future of Age 1,290, hundreds of years after the end of the original Dragon Ball Z and Son Goku's legendary adventures. The Z fighters are gone, Frieza is gone, and yet despite all of this, in this world peace has reigned for over three hundred years thanks to the efforts of brave new warriors who have come to fill in the shoes of the greatest saiyan who ever lived. But with recent events happening across the galaxy, could there be threats lurking in the depths of space who wish to destroy that peace permanently? Will a new set of Z warriors rise to meet the darkness? Will it be YOU? Find out on this episode of:
Dragon Ball Z!
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With the recent slayings of descendants belonging to a line of peace keeping warriors, the Earth government becomes wrought with fear over a potential new threat showing itself in the galaxy; one with a VERY clear motive. Word is quickly spread by the Earth king that a band of mysterious assassins are commiting inter-galactic murder, cautioning all other planetary governments to raise their guard and watch the skies. Meanwhile the Red Ribbon Army mobilizes as four visitors from space arrive on the little blue planet, their weapons trained on a new target...